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About Jeny

It all started with a brush…

One of my very first memories of art happened to be with a paint by numbers picture of a sailboat, and it was with water colors. I felt the rest of my environment go silent around me and all i saw were the colors filling up each section as i carefully focused my attention to just that. It always gave me a sense of bliss.


It fascinated me how the colors would be absorbed by the paper and when combined with other colors it would slowly create a swirl of other colors that slowly would fill the page to look completely different from when you started. It was a happy memory, a memory long before responsibilities and expectations where had. It was so calming.

That feeling of calmness by just painting seemed to melt away my surroundings and allowed me to be immersed in this simple colorful world. That feeling is what entices me to keep painting or creating, especially when it's been a rough day or week.

Honestly, I think we can all relate in a way. Everyone has their outlet, mine just started with a brush.

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