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What & Why WordPress?

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What & Why WordPress?

What is WordPress?

WordPress is what you call a CMS platform (Content Management System). It is highly used these days for creating beautiful and innovative websites. It has all the neat little gadgets that help make your site visually appealing for your viewers.  As websites go, WordPress has over THOUsands of premade templates to choose from. While some are free, there are plenty to choose from and can vary in price if you decide to choose a specific one that fits your criteria. The prices range anywhere from $20 – $200 and up.

Each template comes with a set of ‘plugins’ these plugins need to be managed individually, but can be installed to your website at the same time.

To not bore you with such details, Website (in general) some tend to look flashy and have all sorts of visual animations, neat slideshows and etc,  most likely there is a plugin for just that. Think of your everyday smart phone.i’m sure you’ve heard this phrase before……”There’s an app for that.”  Basically WordPress works off of the same standards. You might say, I would like a photo gallery that transitions from one to another, should be simple right? Well yea kinda, there’s an app for that (I mean plugin.)

Any way, it may seem simple and/or complicated. So….it should be easy right?

Yes and No. HA!

Selecting a fancy, modern template may seem easier than you think. Getting it hooked up and working is another story. I assimilate it to an iKea experience. You see it in the store, it looks fantastic, with all the cute little decorations on top, even the wall behind it looks fantastic, with that perfect lighting you need. Let’s say you buy it, and you bring it home, yes you bought the paint to match the wall you saw and the lightin fixture, and the knick knacks you saw on the table, but guess what? Now you have to unbox it, build it, paint the wall the color you want, install the lighting and arrange all of the cute little decorations to go on it.


Yes WordPress feels like an iKea.


So Why WordPress?

Cause all the cool kids are doing it! Hahah!…no really. Aside from all those details I may or may not have butcherd on. Don’t be scared! It’s a complex, yet beautiful setup. A setup that has to be maintained. Each plugin that is instilled in this website will need to be updated. Otherwise it may just crash your website.


Websites came a long way from looking like this upon build:

To looking like this: (WITH all of that code behind it of course.)

WordPress makes it easier for anyone who isn’t super tech savvy to be able to add pages, images, create blogs and more. So yes, wordpress is quite an easy, user friendly platform to choose. It makes it easy to have a website these days. Easier if you have a Web Designer help you out with an official build, make sure everything works as you intended and then you can just take the reigns from there.